Sunday, 24 May 2020

Choosing the Right Instrument for a Beginner

When you're on a tight budget and you want just to try something new, choosing an instrument can be quite puzzling, so it would be good to have some options with a good ratio between price and quality.
Here are some options:

Thomann TR 5 Bb-Pocket Trumpet $119.66
  1. good price
  2. decent quality 
  3. 3 years warranty 
  4. small instrument, light case, easy to carry 
  1. if you're more serious about playing, you'll need a new mouthpiece, not the included one 
  2. being small and bent so many times, the sound is less stable, compared with a normal trumpet
Thomann TR 200 Bb-Trumpet $138.55

  1. good price 
  2. decent quality 
  3. 3 years warranty 
  4. full size instrument 
  1. if you're more serious about playing, you'll need a new mouthpiece, not the included one 
  2. full size instrument with full size case, a bit inconvenient to carry around (maybe)
Startone STR 25 Bb-Trumpet $110.42

  1. good price
  2. good looking instrument
  3. 3 years warranty
  4. full size instrument


  1. if you're more serious about playing, you'll need a new mouthpiece, not the included one
  2. full size instrument with full size case, a bit inconvenient to carry around (maybe)

Usually cornets and flugelhorns are more expensive (cornets starts at around 156$ and flugelhorns at 222$), the cheaper ones are made of plastic. I don't recommend the plastic ones.

All materials are properties of their owners, and are used here for informative and educational purposes. I don't accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, liability, injury or upset caused to or suffered by you as a result of misusing this material.

Cheers and happy learning,